It's a new dawn for the Foundation Delegation Campaign! We're embarking on a pivotal transformation, shifting the program from merely supporting operations to actively incentivizing contributions that fuel the growth of Oraichain's future. This evolution arrives as we aim to elevate our ambitions, seeking to draw in more integrations and broaden the horizons of Oraichain's developer community. Join us as we explore the revamped Oraichain FDC 2024.

The Foundation Delegation Campaign (FDC) emerged as a community-driven initiative to foster decentralization within the Oraichain ecosystem. Since its inception, the active validator set has seen impressive growth, expanding by over 60%. This growth was significantly bolstered by the foundation's dedication, which allocated a substantial portion of its resources to support the program. As Oraichain's ecosystem transitions into a new phase of expansion, there's a pressing need to rejuvenate the FDC, tailoring it to the evolving requirements of the ecosystem and enhancing its alignment with current needs.

Next Steps for the Oraichain FDC 2024

Looking ahead to Oraichain FDC 2024, the initiative is set to evolve beyond its foundational elements, placing a greater emphasis on validators who actively contribute to the ecosystem's growth. Contributions can manifest in various forms, including community engagement, documentation improvements, and infrastructure development. The program will introduce three competitive tiers, encouraging validators to consistently participate and contribute to the ecosystem's vitality.

**All applicants must submit their application here for consideration. Submissions are open starting today 3/1/2024 and we will re-evaluate every 30 days based on the criteria below. All monthly FDC delegations will be published publicly.**

Engagement and Allocation Policies

To ensure a balanced and effective distribution of delegated ORAI, several policies will be implemented:

Re-investing in our Validator Community

Our commitment to Oraichain’s Validator community goes beyond the financial incentive. Just as we look to our validators for amplification, we plan to take an active role in highlighting individual validators, helping to attract new delegators to each of their nodes. To execute this in an equitable fashion, we kindly ask all validators that are interested in this marketing support provide our team with their Media Kit, background information and some key details for promotion.

By highlighting the work of our validators, their outlook on governance proposals and their commitment to Oraichain’s growth, we hope to shine a light on more members of our active set. This will help delegators in their consideration process and hopefully attract more users to bond across many nodes.

Oraichain FDC 2024 will Kickoff March 1st